Best Price for Mazur Instruments PRM-8000 Handheld Geiger Counter and Nuclear Radiation Monitor, 0.001 to 200 mR/hr Range, +/-10 Percent Accuracy With Special Pomotions Fast Shipping
Product Feature
- Japanese text support, detects alpha, beta, gamma and x-radiation with American made LND 712 GM tube
- Scan items for radiation and detect Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM)
- Measurement Range 0.001 to 200 mR/hr (0.01 to 2,000 uSv/hr) with +/-10 percent typical accuracy
- Monitors Elapsed Time, Average, Minimum and Maximum dose rate in uR/hr, mR/hr, uSv/hr, CPS or CPM
- LED, beeper and headphone jack; internal data logging, timed measurements, dose rate alarm
Product Description
Scan items for radiation, detect Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) and continuously monitor your environment. The PRM-8000 is an ideal solution for First Responders, Homeland Security, Medical Safety, Educators, Researchers and Geologists. This Geiger counter delivers laboratory grade performance in a small package. The two-line, alphanumeric display supports both English and Japanese languages promoting ease-of-use and concise measurement. The display is backlit to support low-light conditions. The device's Radiation Monitoring Engine (RME) is always-on collecting measurements and statistics enabling rapid environment assessment. Using only one key, users can scroll through several screens that display present, average, maximum and minimum measurements in uR/hr, mR/hr, uSv/hr, Counts per Second (CPS) or Counts per Minute (CPM). The PRM-8000 instrument not only records the maximum radiation measured, but also displays the time and date at which the maximum occurred. Battery life is over 6-years under normal conditions from a single, readily-available, 9-volt lithium battery that is user-installable without soldering. Standard alkaline 9-volt batteries available everywhere provide over 3-years of life under normal conditions. With over 100K bytes of data logging memory included, the PRM-8000 can autonomously store up to 91,466 minutes or hours of time-stamped measurements. These measurements can then be uploaded to a PC in CSV format for analysis. A user-settable dose rate alarm sounds an audible alert when the measured radiation level exceeds that of the alarm level setting. Designed by Mazur Instruments and manufactured in the USA, the PRM-8000 includes abundant I/O options including support for headphones, external speakers, external power and PC/Mac USB data exchange (requires optional 3.5mm to USB adapter cable). Minimum energy sensitivity alpha (2.5 MeV), beta (50 keV), gamma/X rays (10 keV). Gamma sensitivity: 1,000 CPM/mR/hr (Cs-137).
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